There is a way to extend your lodgement date if you cannot get your return done by 31 October 2021. Sign up with a Tax Agent.
By signing up with a tax agent you greatly increase your lodgement date - potentially through to May 2022 which can avoid fines and penalties.
There are many other advantages too; from years of experience to navigate reams and reams of legislation.
It never surprises me to sit in front of a client and see the light bulb moment when they understand they can claim this deduction - or there are all these hidden steps in a capital gains calculation that they were not aware of.
Often when new clients come on board we are able to amend prior year returns so the client gets a better result.
If your looking for a Tax agent or a fresh non obligation chat - give me a call.
Steve Sherrah
Mobile Accountant
P.S. - to get on a Agents lodgement program to extend the lodgement date you need to do this by 31 October 2021.
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