If you currently lodge your Income Tax Return by yourself you have until the 31st October 2020 to finalise your 2020 Income Tax Returns. That date will come up very soon.
If you appoint a tax agent (Such as the Mobile Accountant) then this can extend your lodgement date till 15 May 2021; depending on your past lodgement history. This may be a welcome relief in the current environment with every thing else you are managing.
I'd always encourage keeping on top of your lodgements and this year in particular is a good idea to get in early; because if you have been affected by Covid 19 and seen a reduction in income then it is more likely to have a better tax outcome for you.
If you are after an online appointment via the usual platforms such as Zoom then give me a call; you don't need to leave home to do you tax return this year.
If you are after some breathing space around getting your lodgement in by 31 October then contact me and we can discuss adding you to my lodgement program.
Please note that this information is Factual in nature and not General or Specific advice relevant to your specific circumstances and should not be relied upon without Professional Advice.
Please call Mobile Accountant Steven Sherrah on 0419 854 982 for further assistance
"Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation”